Monday, September 14, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Welcome, lil psychdelic fags!

 i am opening thi
s music blog for business.  those of you who know me should have some idea what to expect.  those of you who don't know me may want to take a quick look at my profile.

i like good music of all varieties, but if you want a quick explanation of my tastes and my profile confounds or frightens you, think "sounds better with marijuana."

i expect most posts here to include a musical download, often an entire album, although sometimes i may just offer a single song as a download or youtube video link. and sometimes i may just offer some random musings or philistine opinz.

my first offering to you is a huge space rock cruiser from the folks who were not jason pierce who were ostensibly 'in' the band spiritualized when the album Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space was made.  Lupine Howl have garnered no critical acclaim or fanbase worth mentioning, but their album The Carnivorous Lunar Activities of . . . is musik to my ears.

Lupine Howl - Sometimes